Here are some pics for you to enjoy!
We had a party with our team and training team...and things got a little crazy. That's probably all I should say about that.
My friends Eli and Jessica
My teammate CJ and one of my professors Julissa at the mall
Part of a drawing I did...we love this verse from Jeremiah
CJ next to the rugged beauty of Chichani
This is me wearing my Chelsea jersey (the soccer team from Europe) in Chichani
Class is exhausting. CJ and Brandon demonstrate the "normal".
Our host sister Maciel
Our host sister Camila
My teammate CJ. Isn't she pretty?
We went to an all-night youth event this past week. CJ is doing one of the games where you have to paint on a plastic window with her nose.
Our host sister Maciel painting with her nose
Sheena, Manolo (one of our professors), someone from one of the other churches that I do not know yet, CJ, and Maciel (our team-blue team)
Front row is my teammate David, and training teammates Sheena and Heyner
One of our training teammates Sammy with one of the participants of the find the bubble gum in the whipped cream with your face, chew it, and blow a bubble game
One of my favorite pictures of all time. Front left of the four main people is one of my professors Julissa. They had to put an Oreo on their forehead and move it into their mouth without using their hands.
And for your video viewing enjoyment, please see my video on youtube of CJ singing with helium voice:
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