Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the prayers and support! Here are some pics for you to enjoy! More available on Facebook!
We had a short term team from Hermitage Church of the Nazarene in Hermitage, Tennessee. This was my church when I was living in Tennessee. They were planning on coming down quite a while before I was, and it was so neat to see my friends again. Here we are doing some street evangelism and acting out the song Everything by Lifehouse. I was able to join them for this one.
Here is the long awaited and promised picture of me dressed like a guinea pig (they call it cuy here in Peru). My teammate CJ is on my left and one of the Peruvian 40/40s on our training team Sammy is on my right.
This is CJ dressed as a guinea pig with one of the babies at the street event.
What we did that day is we had a wheel with several different colors that corresponded to a Bible question. We set up along the sidewalk and people who were walking by could stop and play and if they correctly answered the Bible question, they would win a candy bar. We had at least 9 decisions for Christ on the morning we did this.
This is CJ heading out to do laundry. We have to carry our laundry for quite a ways to do it, and CJ's style was on her back wrapped in a sheet. The locals thought it was absolutely hilarious. The cute little girl in front is our host sister Camila.
This is Haley and me with the guinea pig (Ray).
This is Tom, my teammates David and Brandon, and Brandi at our evangelism event on Wednesday. We went to a community outside of Arequipa that does not have running water. We did several different activities that will be shown in the pictures below.
This is one of the pictures of a town. That is the outside wall of three people's properties. The people here are very poor and simple, but very very nice.
This is Katie and Robin doing balloon animals with the kids.
This is Haley, a Peruvian girl, Kelley, and CJ doing some face painting.
This is a picture of some of the kids. We had a lot more there than this pictures shows, but I love how this shows how happy the kids are with their balloons.
Another picture of the kids. So happy!
CJ and Haley showing off their facial artwork. So cute!
Another pic of the kids.
This is some of the Cercado team leading songs. Megan is on the left, Jessica is in the back, and Sammy is in front (in the clown face).
Ray (dressed as a clown) and some of the kids having a competition with a song.
This is Ray, one of the short termers Sophie, and Megan. Sophie is teaching the kids how to properly brush their teeth and wash their hands.
Brenda is helping some kids put on their salvation bracelets. She led the demonstration of what all the different colors meant and did a GREAT job.
Brandon, Jared, Jeremy, and David putting together the Jesus film screen.
Jared, Jeremy and Maddie. Love these Tennessee peeps!
Me with a really cute kid.
CJ with our new friend Ernesto. Ernesto was paralyzed a couple years ago when the university building he was attending collapsed on top of him. What a sweet man. Please pray for him and some tangible needs that we are in the process of praying about with him.
Some people who attended the event. This picture was taken as it was starting to get dark and we were preparing to show the Jesus Film.
Some people watching the Jesus Film. Afterwards, Pastor Elvin preached a great message of salvation and over 26 people accepted Christ. This is just a little snapshot of what God is doing here! So far in Peru, we have seen over 70 salvations. The more challenging part is the follow-up and discipleship and people remaining serious about the decision that they made. Please pray for the work all of us are doing here and thank you for your support!
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