I spent several hours today with my good friend Bonnie. Whenever I spend time with her, I walk away
feeling like I have just been in the presence of God. Her life radiates God’s beauty in everything
she says and does and in all that she is.
I wish everyone in the world could meet her. What a rare jewel she is, and all who know
her are aware that this is true.
There is no one that I know who has a deeper relationship
with God. The way He speaks to her and
to others through this humble lady just blows my mind. She is full of grace: giving mercy where it must go and holy
correction where it must be heard as well.
It is the kind of contagious love that leaves me warm but inspired and
challenged to walk deeper with God as she does.
If I have a hero in this life, it is her.
There is nothing especially spectacular about her that draws
me to her. Rather, it is the fascinating
and genuine fulfillment of purpose that I see when I look at her. When I am with her, it is obvious to me that
she has become everything that God has desired for her to be. She uses every gift she has been given to
further the Kingdom and encourages others to seek God above all else. She exhibits peace amidst whatever painful or
difficult circumstance she may be facing.
When I am around her, I can cry, laugh, and experience deep rest...and I
am not in the least bit ashamed to do any of it. What a beautiful woman of God!
Probably the thing about her that inspires me most is her
dedication and life lived in prayer. Her
heart is constantly open and attentive to the voice of God. She fights fierce spiritual battles in her
kitchen and her bedroom as she intercedes for those God brings to her
heart. She truly dedicates herself to
pray for all who are in her sphere of influence, and her prayers yield powerful
results. God speaks to her in real ways,
and miracles happen because she knows what it means to believe that anything is
possible. There is no place that she
will not go in prayer for someone else.
Her prayers are simple, yet they come from a heart that feels deeply the
pain and struggle of those she is praying for.
I see in her what it means to hunger and thirst for more of God. I have so much that I am constantly learning
from her.
As I describe my friend Bonnie, I’m sure that most people
probably think that such a woman could not exist. That kind of relationship with God happened a
long time ago to people in the Bible and is imaginary or exaggerated at
best. However, I know that walking
side-by-side with God everyday in complete and whole relationship is possible
because I know Bonnie and I have seen it in her life.
As I talked with her today, I was overwhelmed by the desire
to love others as she does and to walk very closely with God as she does. I want to learn how to pray with passion and
sincerity for those in my life. I want
to fight battles fearlessly for Jesus no matter where I might be. I want to be so in tune with God that He
knows that He can pull me out of an activity or wake me up in the middle of the
night when someone needs my pleadings to God for help. As it stands, these moments are rare in my
life. I want to live so fearlessly for
God that the world around me can’t help but change because of His unmistakable
So many people I know have such shallow relationships with
God. They only pray when they need to
ask God for something. They only turn to
Him when things get difficult and they need help with something. They can go for days without really thinking
about God, and though they serve on every committee in the church, know
virtually nothing about what it means to walk with Him. They see their salvation story as a prayer
they prayed years ago and as long as they continue with church and a passing
prayer here or there, they will hopefully never have to pray the salvation
prayer again. They avoid extremes in
their lives, always seeking the middle and safe ground. They long to be unique, but they are simply
copies of every other nominal Christian out there. They all do everything and nothing at the
same time. They are content with their
predictable lives and their predictable god.
The problem is that a predictable and safe god does not exist,
and the real God is not predictable nor is He safe, but as C.S. Lewis has said,
“He is good.” So many who claim to know
Christ are still asking the question, “Isn’t there something more to life?” ABSOLUTELY!
Truly following and knowing Christ is the most difficult path that we
could choose, but it is ultimately the most fulfilling thing we could ever
do. There is never a dull moment in
Kingdom work. There is NOTHING like
living life in vibrant relationship with God.
In light of that, nothing else in life holds a candle in significance.
In the past, I would probably say that I wanted to be just
like Bonnie. I wanted to do the things
that she did and reach out to others the way she did. I am learning, however, that God did not make
me just like Bonnie; He made me just like Chelsea. I used to think that was such a bad thing,
consumed by my perceptions of all the things I could not do, rather than
knowing and building upon all that I could do.
If I believe the Bible to be true, then I would learn to accept its
truth that I have been given all that I need to accomplish the tasks for which
God has created me. I spent years of my
life trying to be like someone else or wishing that I was someone else. However, God gave me such an incredible
gift: my unique personhood and a lifetime
of choices in which to become...me.
In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus says that we should be perfect
just like our Heavenly Father is perfect.
Growing up, I saw this standard of perfection as “without mistake” and
concluded that I was flawed and broken. No
matter how hard I tried, I still couldn’t get the notes to the piano song
right, and when I organized an event, invariably, no one would show up. I asked God more times than I could count, “What
is wrong with me? Have you really not
chosen me to do something for Your Kingdom, because I could have sworn that’s
what I heard...?”
I once heard someone tell a story about two hammers. The first hammer was new and shiny. Its owner hung it on the wall for all to
see. People would walk by and marvel at
the beautiful hammer and how it shined in the sunlight. Day after day the hammer hung displayed for
the world to see, never leaving its post of glory. The second hammer was old and rusty, covered
in nicks and scratches. It was not much
to look at, because its history was long and toilsome. Its owner did not place it on the wall for display,
but instead it laid on the workbench available for the owner to use as he
worked in his shop. The question was
asked to the audience: which one was the
perfect hammer? Well, it’s obvious that
it was the second. The first hammer
could pass as a decoration, but it was never used for the purpose for which it
was created. The second hammer, however,
served its purpose every day of its existence, laying on the master’s bench,
available for whatever need might arise.
As I heard this story, it revolutionized my understanding of
perfection. God wasn’t asking me to be
perfect at everything I do; but rather to be perfect in love. He created me to be in relationship with
Him. He created me to know Him. He created me to love Him with all my
heart. Anything short of that, and I am
rolling on the ground asking, “Is there anything more to this life?”
Likewise, God has created each one of us uniquely to serve
in His Kingdom. 1 Corinthians 12 talks
about the different parts of a body and how each part is important. The ear cannot tell the eye that it is not
needed, nor can one part of the body decide that it doesn’t want to be part of
the body anymore. God created each of us
with a set of talents and characteristics, and perfection happens as we accept
and grow into our place in His Kingdom with all enthusiasm and trust. There is nothing better than an ear that
hears everything well, or an eye that sees 20/20. When each part truly becomes everything it
was meant to be, the body as a whole becomes everything that it was meant to
I struggled so much for years with the Church and all the
brokenness I saw among its members. Many
groups of Christians that I have known have not functioned well as the body of
Christ. The ear is criticizing the eye,
the foot is telling the hand what to do, and the nose simply can’t stand the
bellybutton. However, truth be told,
each part was created by God and given its function by God. The problem came when the different parts became
so preoccupied by the imperfections of all the other parts, they had no time to
function as they themselves were intended to function.
All of this could lead one to throw up their hands and say, “Why
not give up on the body altogether?” If
the body is not functioning right, then what is the point? As I wrestled in prayer over this very issue,
God reminded me of His love and passion for the body. He created it! Not only did He create the body, but He
created its parts! How could I, who
claims to be in relationship with Him, turn my back on something that God loved
and created? In fact, the whole purpose
of God sending His Son to die was to bring restoration to His creation, to
reconcile everything back to Himself, and to once again call His body to be all
the He created it to be. God showed me
that just as there is hope for me, there is hope for the entire body...and
whether I like it or not, I’m a part of it.
When I look at Bonnie, I marvel at what a perfect part of
the body she is. Sure, she still makes
mistakes and she still struggles and wrestles with some very real things. However, just as the perfect hammer was
fulfilling its purpose in doing what its master created the hammer to do,
Bonnie fulfills her purpose by doing everything her Master created Bonnie to do. I have learned that the greatest thing that I
can do for the Kingdom is to take my eyes off all the other parts of the body I
either want to criticize or idolize, and simply focus on becoming everything
that I was meant to be in Christ. A true
tool being used by God does not glorify itself and cause all the other tools to
be like itself. A true tool of God, like
Bonnie, inspires all the other tools to fulfill their own God-given purpose in
All this begins and is founded in relationship, and a
relationship with God is established, maintained, and grown in prayer. As I draw closer to God, His Holy Spirit
molds and shapes me as He desires. He
calls me to step out in faith, often involving certain gifts and talents He has
given me and desires that He has placed in my heart from the beginning. He calls me to sharpen my skills and gives me
strength as I journey down that road and work through the challenges it brings. He picks me up when I fall, and encourages me
when I feel that I have failed. One
thing I have learned is this: there is
no such thing as failure in obedience to God.
The act of obedience is the success, and success in God’s Kingdom does
not depend on results, because its purpose is relationship. Perfection, therefore, does not depend on our
performance, but rather on our love.
There is so much more that I could say, but the heart of
this message is this: do not seek to be
perfect in performance, but rather seek to be perfect in love. Don’t waste your time evaluating those around
you; rather, “...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling
(Philippians 2:12).” Pursue God, and
when you come to the point that you realize that it is really Him who is
pursuing you, don’t be afraid to let Him overtake you. He will take you on a challenging and amazing
ride, but when you surrender your whole self to His will and nurture a vibrant
relationship with Him, the result is perfection. I can’t imagine how incredible and
overwhelming it will be to someday stand in God’s presence as my life is
brought up on the big screen. The words
I want to hear more than any others are these:
WELL DONE. I may not have
mastered every task given to me, and I may still have been stumbling along the
way to the throne room. However, it is
not the success of the actions that God looks at, but rather the heart. Is everything in your heart His? Have you surrendered yourself to the Potter’s
hands? I don’t know about you, but someday
I want to be perfect: perfect in love to
my Savior.
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