I want to be a woman who...
...loves God with all her heart and by the way she lives inspires others to love Him too.
...lives a life of beauty, inside and out.
...is not concerned by the opinions of others, but is creative, colorful, and joyful in everything.
...is fascinated in all that is alive: animals, plants, people, etc.
...has the heart of a child but the wisdom of the elderly.
...listens intently to others when they speak and is a dependable confidant to all that come across her path. Everyone is aware that she cares about them deeply no matter what they have done, what they believe, or who they are.
...establishes healthy boundaries with those around her and is able to communicate tactfully and graciously when others have cross those boundaries.
...is completely comfortable in her own skin and lives freely.
...understands the brevity of life but does not fear. She knows that her heart is safe in the hands of God.
...takes care of herself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.
...does not hold grudges but deals with frustration and stress in a godly manner.
...lives out the words of the Bible, no matter how counter-cultural it may be to the world or the church.
...lives passionately to protect those who are helpless and marginalized, particularly orphans and street children.
...is brave to follow the will of God, no matter how dangerous or costly it may be.
...is constantly encouraging to those around her, building others up and never tearing anyone down.
...does not gossip, talk badly about anyone behind their backs (or in front for that matter), or allow unwholesome conversation around her.
...always takes advantage of every opportunity to spread joy to those around her.
...by simply being around her, others sense that they have just been in the presence of God.
...lives an honest life and doesn't hide her emotions, but handles herself maturely and professionally when her job or the situation demands it. She does not ever take her emotions out on those around her but rather she prayerfully turns her sadness into heartfelt love for others.
...is a blessing to everyone she knows.
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