In what ways have you learned to follow Jesus, using the gifts of the Spirit?
Well, I am not sure how to answer this question. It has been a while since I have taken a spiritual gifts test (many years). I do feel that certain gifts that come naturally, like discernment, have really helped, but I’m not sure that I know to what extent. It’s hard for me to pinpoint these things...and I’m not sure I necessarily need to. I am learning how to live in response to God’s leading in every situation; and I trust that He will develop in me the characteristics and gifts that are needed to fulfill whatever plan He has for me.
Recall the teachers and mentors God has brought into your life, to show you what true discipleship is like, who encouraged you to risk actually following Jesus. Thank God for them and pray for them.
What “holy dissatisfactions” are you dealing with right now? How do they point to the spiritual growth that God wants for you?
Oh my goodness. I would direct whoever wants to know the answer to this question to the rest of my blog. That’s about all I have to say on that.
Among the “keys to growth” listed earlier, which ones appear to be good next steps in your cooperation with God’s work of spiritual formation within you?
Since I am not currently in Mansion Three anymore, I would probably say as far as a next step, these work as general pieces of advice for me, but not necessarily where God is leading me to focus right now. Things such as being still before God and detachment, are good general practices, because we can gradually get away from these things. We need to understand these things are important in most times in our lives. However, this does not speak to me at this particular point in my life.
I will say that this chapter was very significant to read. I identified HUGELY with everything that was said, because it was not that long ago that I was really busy in doing and disillusioned by responsibilities. I wondered why I was not at peace if I was giving my everything for God. This chapter helped me to know that it was a normal phase and necessary for spiritual development. I’m sure I will struggle with this again in the future. This chapter is a must read for every Christian, and most of the people I know are in this stage of spiritual development.
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